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Changes Introduced to Hailsham Country Park Fishing Season Tickets

Council News & Services, Environment

Photo of Hailsham Country Park lake 

As angling enthusiasts continue to enjoy the best coarse fishing again this year, the Town Council is publishing information on fishing activities on at Hailsham Country Park and the recent changes made to fishing rules at the site.

Fishing is permitted during the season at two Town Council managed sites: the east bank of the Hailsham Country Park lake (off Gleneagles Drive) and Hempstead Pond (adjacent to Tilehurst Wood). Both fishing areas are well-stocked with fish including carp, bream, roach, rudd, tench, perch and pike.

However, the Town Council wishes to remind people fishing at the park that they can only do so if they hold a valid season ticket or relevant fishing permit. Anglers must hold a current and valid Environment Agency Rod Licence (age 13 and over, available from post offices).

Yearly season tickets are available via the Town Council (£40 adult; £25 senior citizens, disabled and children under 16 years). A current Environment Agency rod licence and passport photo must be produced when purchasing permits. If you wish to purchase a season ticket, please telephone 01323 841702 or send an email. Weekly fishing permits and day tickets (one rod per person per ticket) can be obtained from MFC Supplies in Station Road (Monday to Saturday – 9am-5.30pm).

Night fishing is not permitted, and fishing should only take place during daylight hours – as defined by published lighting up times. At the Water Bailiffs’ discretion, any angler found breaking these rules may be liable to the confiscation of his/her fishing permit/season ticket, and/or be asked to leave the country park site.

Only barbless hooks and lead-free weights should be used, and no live bait or spinners are allowed. Furthermore, anglers are asked not to use keep nets, carp sacks, catapults or maggotpults and there is a 1kg limit on ground bait.

Previously, a maximum of one rod per person was permitted to be used, however, at the latest meeting of the Assets Management Committee, councillors agreed to relax this rule and introduce a maximum of two rods per season ticket holder.

Cllr Alexa Clarke, Chair of the Assets Management Committee said: “For the keen angler, there isn’t a better place for fishing than the Hailsham Country Park lake. Besides enjoying the beauty of the surrounding areas, there’s an abundance of fish to catch and the nearby Hempstead Pond site provides anglers with a wide variety of species to target too.”

“The fishing rules we have in place are generally common sense and we kindly ask people to follow them. They are in place to not only protect the quality of our fish stocks and the beauty of the country park, but also the enjoyment of fellow anglers and residents of the nearby Gleneagles estate.

Following concerns expressed about the increase in antisocial behaviour at the Hailsham Common Pond (including fishing on site, which is not permitted), the Town Council has also been made aware of instances deliberate injury to wildlife at Hailsham Country Park. The police have been notified and subsequently increased their patrols in the area.

Residents are strongly encouraged not to misuse the local beauty spot and any antisocial behaviour or injury to wildlife to the police, by calling 101 – or 999 if the incident is currently taking place.

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: