Services and Facilities
Looking for a hall to hire? Have a concern over street lighting in Hailsham?
Hailsham Town Council awards grants to a wide range of community and voluntary groups (attended by Hailsham residents) that aim to introduce new or improved facilities, activities or projects, for the benefit of the town.
Small grants can make a significant difference to community organisations when planning and funding a worthwhile project. Hailsham Town Council welcome applications from the voluntary sector.
For an application form, please write to: Michelle Webber, Hailsham Town Council, Inglenook, Market Square, Hailsham, BN27 2AE. Alternatively, send an email to
3VA is a local charity that helps support, promote and develop the voluntary and community sector throughout the Eastbourne, Lewes and Wealden areas. Playing a unique role as an organisation with a trusted relationship with many voluntary organisations, 3VA helps groups to set up, find funding, improve their governance, and by providing training. 3VA also shares information and organises networking opportunities that enable groups to share experience and expertise.
To find out more, please visit
Looking for a hall to hire? Have a concern over street lighting in Hailsham?
Environment Hailsham agreed to do their bit to help reverse the trend in the loss of traditional English orchards and create a community garden that will…
Hailsham Youth Service Safehub, The Station, Western Road, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 3DG Offering support for young people in a safe and encouraging environment, with advice…
The Common Pond has been a focal point in Hailsham for centuries and is considered to be the town’s “Jewel In The Crown”.