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Town Revitalisation

Photo (aerial view) of Vicarage Field

Hailsham Forward (Town Team)

Hailsham town centre, like many town centres, has seen much change in recent years. It has a number of empty shops but the number is slowing falling and is below the national average. Hailsham will, however, continue to grow over the next 20 years.

The Hailsham Forward partnership was born out of the Mary Portas Vision for revitalising town centres. Hailsham Forward is a Town Team partner and has received funding from the Government, East Sussex County Council, Wealden District Council and Hailsham Town Council to undertake projects to improve the business community in Hailsham.

The Partnership is made up of many local people and organisations including the local Chamber of Commerce, Federation of Small Businesses, as well as local Councils and the Member of Parliament for Wealden.

The Partnership is working on a number of projects, as detailed in the projects page and had produced a business plan to help drive the revitalisation forward.


Photo (aerial view) of Market Square and Market StreetMovement and Access Strategy for Hailsham and Hellingly (MASHH)

The Movement and Access Strategy for Hailsham and Hellingly (MASHH) was completed in November 2012 and is used to inform East Sussex County Council (and Wealden District Council) about the transport infrastructure required in Hailsham and Hellingly to support developments recently constructed and future development up to 2027 as part of the Wealden District Council Core Strategy.

For more details visit the East Sussex County Council website:

Buy Local

Shopping locally supports our local economy in a number of ways:

Better For The Environment

If you shop locally, you reduce the need for use of your car or even public transport to buy your groceries and other shopping items. Furthermore, if there is a local growers’ market, you can purchase many organic and environmetally friendly goods and reduce energy-wasting long hauls into the bargain.

Save Money On Your Shopping Bills

With ever increasing fuel prices, you are encouraged to refrain from using your car whenever possible, shop local and save money in doing so. Additionally, shopping at a local produce market effectively cuts out the middleman, therefore reducing (long haul) transportation costs.

Build A Sustainable Community

Research has shown that money spent locally remains in the local economy, through wages paid to local employees and products and services purchased from other local businesses. In turn, shopping locally contributes significantly to the overall development of the economic base of the community.

Hailsham Street Market

Photo of Hailsham Street Market, Vicarage FieldHailsham Street Market takes place in Vicarage Field from 8.30am to 1.30pm every first and third Saturday of the month, selling fresh, locally sourced items, as well as gifts, accessories and more.

Some of the local producers operating at the new market already sell goods in other local markets such as the Hailsham Farmers’ Market which takes place every second Saturday of the month.

Supporting Local Trade

Regular markets are a vital component of town centres – especially in market towns such as Hailsham – bringing customers into the town whilst offering excellent business opportunities to local traders.

By supporting local producers, growers, suppliers and offering them the opportunity to sell locally, Hailsham Street Market is an ideal way of showcasing the diverse range of products available in our town and everyone is encouraged to come down to Vicarage Field and support independent trade.

How to Book a Stall

Hailsham Street Market has a flexible structure in place to offer opportunities to stallholders who are unable to commit to hiring a stall at every market event.

We welcome back all returning traders and would like to hear from anyone interested in becoming a market stall trader at Hailsham Street Market.

To book a stall please call 01323 841702 or send an email for more information.

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Wealden Local Plan 17th September 2015 110 KB