Following Hailsham Town Council’s decision last year to take on responsibility for additional bus shelters in the town, a brand-new shelter – complete with bench seating, toughened glass and a ‘living roof’ to help promote biodiversity – has recently been installed in South Road.
In response to the objectives of the county council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP), the Town Council agreed to take over the maintenance and cleaning of some existing bus shelters in Hailsham – in particular, those which have already undergone or are scheduled for major improvement work or replacement.
East Sussex County Council will be installing further shelters over time and enhancements to existing bus shelters will include the installation of new bench seating and the installation of additional living roofs (or ‘eco-roofs’).
Toughened glass side panels will be included where possible to protect people from inclement weather, with stainless steel or aluminium frames and solar panels attached to all.
“Over a number of years, different types of bus shelters have been installed, perhaps which do not necessarily reflect local users’ needs,” said Operations & Facilities Manager Tony Lee. “The programme of upgrades and renewals being carried out by the county council as a result of national funding received and stemming from their Bus Service Improvement Plan, will be taking into account the needs of the local community. The new, more environmentally friendly styles of bus shelter will reflect these needs.”
Cllr Mary Laxton, Vice-Chair of the Assets Management Committee commented: “I am delighted that the Town Council is set to take on responsibility for the maintenance of additional bus shelters. The structures, once upgraded or replaced, will be of high-quality and provide much-needed weather protection for our residents and commuters.”
“The Town Council’s bus shelter initiative will greatly improve the street scene throughout the town and, hopefully, encourage residents to make greater use of bus services in the future.”
Regarding the use of a living roof on top of the new bus shelter in South Road, Cllr Laxton added: “We’re eager to be more green here in Hailsham and this project is a small but important step towards our ambitions to create more space for wildlife, including bees and other insects.”
Whilst bus shelters are monitored on a regular basis, the Town Council appreciates any reports of graffiti and/or vandalism to ensure that repairs can be made as soon as possible.
To report a problem with one of the Town Council’s bus shelters, please call 01323 841702 or email us.
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: