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Mayor to Attend Hailsham Choral Society’s Christmas Concert

Mayor's Press Releases

Hailsham Choral Society at Hailsham Parish Church 

The Mayor of Hailsham will be getting into the Christmas spirit when he joins in the celebrations of the Hailsham Choral Society’s annual Christmas Concert, and is encouraging people to mark the date of the event in their diaries.

Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook will be attending the ever-popular concert, which takes place at All Saints Church in Eastbourne on Saturday 7th December from 7.30pm.

The concert – entitled ‘Bach Christmas Oratorio Parts I, II and III’ – will feature a performance of Bach’s Christmas music, of which the Society’s choristers are excited to sing this larger work. The concert will also feature soloists and a baroque orchestra, instead of the normal Choral Society Christmas concert.

The programme will be conducted by Jozik Kotz, with soloists Rebecca Hughes (alto), Ben Hancox-Lachman (tenor), Jennifer Witton (soprano)  and Andrew Rupp (bass). Alison Bury will be leading the Baroque Orchestra.

“Christmas is a very special time of year and this annual concert is always popular and well received,” said Cllr Holbrook encouraging people to go along and enjoy the festive spirit. “The Hailsham Choral Society provides a fantastic service to the local community, and I’m delighted to be attending this special performance in December.”

“The concert promises to be a memorable evening and a great night’s entertainment, with some outstanding musical talent from the accomplished choir singers and musicians. The line-up is second to none and guaranteed to delight the entire family.”

Admission is priced at £18 per adult in advance (or £20 on the door) and under 18s are free. Tickets are now available at and also at Haywards Carpets in Hailsham.

The concert is in aid of Children With Cancer Fund, a local charity. There will be a retiring collection.

Hailsham Choral Society is a large and progressive subscription choir of over 60 singers based locally and performing at least four main concerts during the year, with programmes featuring anything from Bach to the Beatles, Rossini to Gershwin and Rutter to Rogers and Hart.

Concert performances take place in November, at Christmas, in March/April and in late June/early July, usually taking place in Hailsham or Eastbourne. The Society regularly performs with professional soloists and at least one concert a year includes an orchestra. Their programme is mainly drawn from the classical repertoire, although they also perform lighter music throughout the year, especially Christmas carols and songs from musicals.

The Society is currently looking for new members and holds regular events including music workshops, coffee mornings, and quizzes. At present, they rehearse on Thursday evenings at the Hailsham Civic Community Hall in Vicarage Lane.

Further information about the concert can be found via the Hailsham Choral Society website:

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: