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Mayor Attends Care Home Resident’s 100th Birthday Celebrations

Mayor's Press Releases

Photo of Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook at the 100th Birthday Celebrations of Peter Lankester, held at Bowes House Care Home on 21st September 2024 

A local care home resident celebrated his 100th birthday in style with friends, family, the Mayor of Hailsham and the Deputy Lord-Lieutenant recently [Wednesday 21st August].

Peter Lankester of Bowes House Care Home in Battle Road marked his birthday with a gathering at which relatives, well-wishers and guests of honour including the Town Mayor and Consort Cllrs Paul and Barbara Holbrook – and Deputy Lord-Lieutenant of East Sussex, Mr Graham Peters – gathered to honour him and celebrate the special occasion. Mr Lankester was also privy to a drive in a vintage military jeep on the day, which he thoroughly enjoyed.

The celebrations  culminated in a special lunch gathering held at the Hydro Hotel in Eastbourne the following Saturday [24th September], as birthday greetings were shared once again from Cllrs Paul and Barbara Holbrook and members of Mr Lankester’s family.

“Despite reaching 100, Peter does not let his age get the better of him,” said Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook.  “He is an amazing man who enjoys a good quality of life and remains popular with fellow residents. I wish him a very happy birthday and I’d also like to personally thank the Deputy Lord-Lieutenant, Graham Peters, for taking the time out of his busy schedule to attend Mr Lankester’s 100th birthday celebrations.”

Clr Holbrook added: “It’s wonderful to hear of someone remaining so active at such an age and an honour to celebrate with Mr Lankester and other guests. He is a lovely man, a pleasure to be around and I hope he enjoys many more birthday parties to come.”

Cllr Holbrook also commended care home staff for their outstanding commitment to their residents. “Bowes House is a very high quality place of residence for elderly people and I rather get the feeling that everybody here is happy – which is good news all round!”

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: