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Hailsham Town Crier and Bellman Terry Tozer Passes Away


Photo of Hailsham Town Crier Terry Tozer - taken at the 2022 Christmas Market 

The Town Council is saddened to report that the Town Crier for Hailsham, Terry Tozer, passed away after a short illness on Monday 8th July.

Terry was a well-respected and active member of the local community, having been appointed new Town Crier in 2022 following the retirement of Geoff Rowe.

Shortly after his appointment, Terry joined the Ancient and Honourable Guild of Town Criers, which represents official town criers throughout the country. By being a member of the oldest and largest organisation which represents Town Criers throughout the world, Terry was often invited to compete with other Guild Members in town crier competitions throughout the year.

Throughout his tenure as Town Crier, Terry was constantly busy delivering his proclamations at the town’s community and business events, welcoming guest dignitaries to the town and introducing an element of pageantry to the town. He officiated many events for over two years, including the reading of the Proclamation of His Majesty King Charles III in May of last year.

Terry was born in Croydon but spent his formative years in Scotland, leaving grammar school at the age of 18 and moving away from home to join the Army and the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers as an electronics technician for 12 years. He served in Germany, Northern Ireland and the Falklands, with the last three years of military service being spent in Colchester as sergeant major of a company of five platoons of 155 soldiers.

Terry was able to retire at the age of 50 and during that time, from 1999,  started to teach Shotokan Karate to a number of clubs in the southeast. He subsequently moved to Hailsham 5 years ago and was in the process of setting up a karate club here too.

Town Clerk John Harrison offered his condolences on behalf of Hailsham Town Council: “Terry was a popular and well-respected member of the community, having served local groups well and caring passionately about Hailsham and its residents. We are all greatly upset by the news that our friend has passed away.”

“Terry excelled in the Town Crier role and was a perfect ambassador for Hailsham, adding a bit of colour to people’s perceptions and memories of the town. I know I speak for all my colleagues at the Town Council, as well as the wider community, when I say that Terry will be sorely missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family at this sad time.”

Town Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook commented: “I can only add to the many wonderful messages which have already circulated about Terry – this is such a huge loss for everyone who knew him. I have many fond memories of attending numerous town events with him.”

“As Town Crier for nearly three years, Terry worked tirelessly on behalf of the community that he was proud to represent. The town has lost one of its great characters and as Town Crier, he had the most resonant voice I recall ever hearing, bringing his sense of humour to every occasion. We will miss him very much.”

Deputy Town Mayor, Cllr Anne Marie Ricketts commented: “Terry was a larger-than-life character who loved being Town Crier and Bellman with a passion. He was a warm, gentle and amicable man who served the town selflessly and who leaves a void that will be very hard to fill.”

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: