This section of the website provides information on the Council’s financial documents and accounts. These files are regularly amended and additional documents may be posted on this page in the near future.
General Information
All council funds are public money and all amounts spent or received are carefully accounted for. Systems are in place for maintaining and recording all transactions and payments are approved by the Council under the terms of the Council’s Financial Regulations. The Council’s Financial Year is April 01 to March 31 – financial planning each year commences mid-way through that period.
Please note that the figures in some documents listed above (those marked ‘unaudited’) are based upon the final out-turn figures for a particular financial year, but require submission to and approval by, the external auditor.
Council Tax & Precept
The Parish rate represents the proportional part of the Council Tax (collected by the District Council) and is paid to and funds the Town Council’s responsibilities. Currently, this amounts to £204.87 for Band D, in the year 2024-2025.
Based on the above Parish rate, the budget amount for the current financial year (April 2024 to March 2025) is £1,582,898, with this being the precept amount being requisitioned from Wealden District Council.
Finance & Procurement
- Financial Regulations [Updated October 2023]
- Grants to Local Organisations: Policy Criteria [Updated August 2016]
Budget Information
- Hailsham Town Council Budget: 2024-2025
- Income & Expenditure [as at 30 September 2024]
- Summary of Net Expenditure [as at 30 September 2024]
- List of Payments [September 2024: Unity Trust]
- List of Payments [September 2024: Barclays
- List of Payments [August 2024: Unity Trust]
- List of Payments [August 2024: Barclays]
- List of Payments [July 2024: Unity Trust]
- List of Payments [July 2024: Barclays]
Annual Governance & Accountability
- Notice of Completion of Audit: 2023-2024
- External Auditor’s Report/Certificate: 2023-2024
- Notice of Electors’ Rights: 2023-2024
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return: 2023-2024
- Annual Governance and Accountability Return: 2022-2023
- Annual Return: Year End March 2023
- Annual Return: Year End March 2022
- Annual Return: Year End March 2021
- Annual Return: Year End March 2020
- Annual Return: Year End March 2019
- Annual Return: Year End March 2018
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
- CIL Monitoring Report: 2023-2024
- CIL Statement [as at March 2023]
Assets & Contracts
- Fixed Assets Register [as at March 2024]
- Contracts Register: 2024-2025
Members’ Allowances
Charges (Publication Scheme)
- Publication Scheme: Freedom of Information Act [Updated October 2022]