The Tony Tack Skate Park, which was opened to the public in 2012 and named after a local resident who dedicated much of his life to supporting the children and young people of the town, is located on the Maurice Thornton Playing Fields and features both street and transition skate elements.
Adopted and maintained by the Town Council, funding from the £132,000 project was sought by the Town Farm Residents’ Association, which included £50,000 from the Big Lottery-funded Changing Spaces scheme, £40,000 from Veolia, £30,000 from Wealden District Council and £5,000 from Hailsham Town Council.
An additional £6,000 was injected into the project by the Safer Wealden Partnership, of which the Town Council is a representative.
The proposal to construct a new skate park in Hailsham was only part of a wider package of improvements to recreational facilities in the town, and further improvements continue to be made today as part of the Town Council’s assets improvement plan, including its aspirations to enhance leisure facilities on the town and promote an active lifestyle for residents.