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Who is Responsible for Grass Cutting in Hailsham?

Council News & Services, Environment

Grass cutting 

Following the start of 2015’s grass cutting season, Hailsham Town Council is offering information to help assist residents to understand the grounds maintenance process and its overall responsibilities for grass cutting throughout the town.

Hailsham Town Council arranges the contracting for the cutting of grass on behalf of East Sussex County Council for most of the highway verges in Hailsham, which are cut 10 times per year, from April to November. The County Council pays for 5 of these cuts which is their standard across the county and the Town Council supports this by paying for another 5 cuts in order to maintain a higher standard of presentation.

The Town Council also arranges grass cutting in areas of land owned by the Town Council including Hailsham Country Park, Western Road Recreation Ground, Maurice Thornton Playing Field, Hailsham Cemetery and the Common Pond.

It does not make arrangements for grass to be cut on privately owned estates such as Harmers Hay, on developments that have not been adopted by the District, County or Town Council, or on local authority housing estates such as Town Farm, which is the responsibility of Wealden District Council.

Deputy Town Clerk Mickey Caira said, “The Town Council currently shares payment costs for grass cutting services on public highways and footpaths with the County Council.”

“Although environmental issues are of principal concern, the majority of urban grass cutting is actually carried out for highway safety reasons rather than aesthetic purposes.”

“Hailsham Town Council recognises the importance of maintaining a reasonable standard of grass cutting throughout the town and works with contractors in order to continually improve services and ensure value for money.”

Residents in Hailsham who have any enquiries regarding the responsibility or standard of grass cutting on road side verges, parks and public open spaces should contact Hailsham Town Council on 01323 841702 or by email to

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Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: