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Update on Town Centre Transport Improvement Works

Planning & Development, Town Revitalisation

Hailsham town centre roadworks 

Work on a major project to improve transport and access in Hailsham town centre is entering its final stages and, whilst the main part of the program has been completed, work on the reconstruction of the junction between Marshfoot Lane and Vicarage Road is due to commence soon.

These works were originally planned to take place over a five-day period from 10th July. However, to keep Vicarage Lane and Vicarage Road open to one-way traffic and to avoid any traffic delays on the High Street and North Street due to road closures, East Sussex Highways’ contractors have re-programmed the works.

This means that while the works will still commence on 10th July, they will now take one week longer to complete. However, a one-way traffic flow will be maintained on Vicarage Lane and Vicarage road and the junction between Marshfoot Lane and Vicarage Road will need to be closed during this time.

Anyone wishing to access the leisure centre, Waitrose, District Council offices or car parks on Vicarage Lane during this two-week period will be able to do so via the north end of Vicarage Lane and can exit by turning towards Vicarage Road and heading down towards the junction between Market Street and George Street.

Apart from the planned night-time closures on 6th and 7th July and again on 9th and 10th August, the one-way traffic flow on Vicarage Lane and Vicarage Road will be kept in place for the remaining period of the town centre redevelopment works which are still on track to be completed by 11th August.

“Despite the disruption caused during the course of these town centre road improvements, the visual quality can already be seen and pedestrians are benefiting from wider pavements and safer crossing points,” said Town Mayor Councillor Nigel Coltman.

“Traffic and parking control is still an issue however, and the Town Council is discussing possible changes with other authorities. Furthermore, we are working with Environment Hailsham to install a number of flower planters in the town centre as a positive visual enhancement and a discouragement to drivers parking on the pavement.”

For any enquiries relating to the town centre improvement works, please contact Chris Richards (Public Liaison Officer) on 07342 998727.

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Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: