Hailsham Town Council is continuing to support the community during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Although the Town Council offices in Market Street are currently closed to the public, staff are working remotely where possible to keep some services running and the main phone line open during office hours (9am-4pm, Monday to Friday – except public holidays).
Members of the public are encouraged to follow the Town Council social media pages during the public health emergency, and the following web page for updates on Council services and facilities: https://www.hailsham-tc.gov.uk/coronavirus-postponement-of-council-activities/.
The following Council services and facilities are currently closed:
The hire of community hall facilities managed by the Town Council, including the James West Community Centre in Brunel Drive, Fleur de Lys Meeting Room in Market Street and Southview Community Rooms in Western Road, have been suspended and all upcoming events cancelled or postponed until further notice.
All play areas maintained by the Town Council (located in Carpenters Way, Battle Road, Stroma Gardens, Quinnell Drive, South Road and Maurice Thornton Field) are closed until further notice due to the lack availability of hand-wash facilities and the difficulty in keeping children at a safe social distance. Additionally, the outdoor gyms located on the Western Road Recreation Ground and Maurice Thornton Playing Field are closed for the duration of the pandemic.
The Square Youth Cafe and Safehub facilities managed by Hailsham Youth Service are temporarily closed, along with Friday Night Project activities and Monday Youth Club sessions. However, young people can join in on discussions, take part in activities and keep in touch with the youth worker team via social media, including their Facebook and new Instagram pages (www.facebook.com/HailshamYouthService/ and www.instagram.com/hailshamyouth/). Addiotionally, youth workers are now undertaking detached/street-based work in Hailsham.
The weekly Hailsham Street Market will remain closed until further notice. Additionally, the Town Council’s summer events programme has been cancelled, including the Summer French Market which was scheduled to take place on Saturday 25th July.
The following Council services and facilities are currently operating, but with changes and/or restrictions in place:
Hailsham Cemetery in Ersham Road will remain open for graveside burials only, with burial services being attended by a maximum of six mourners, from the immediate family. This is in line with Government advice.
Cemetery grounds are open as usual from dawn to dusk, but the chapels will remain closed until further notice. The interment of cremated remains is all also suspended for the time being.
While Hailsham Cemetery remains open for graveside burials and to visitors/mourners, people are encouraged to observe government advice relating to social distancing with each other (currently set at 2-3 metres) and refrain from attending the cemetery if you are exhibiting symptoms.
Hailsham Town Council has moved to assure residents that the town centre post office will remain open during the Coronavirus pandemic, as an essential service to the local community.
The post office is currently open from 10am-4pm Monday to Friday and is closed on Saturdays until further notice.
The Town Council’s allotment sites in Battle Road, Station Road and Harold Avenue remain open to tenants. However, it is important that anyone attending their allotment takes care to observe social distancing measures currently in place. Furthermore, anyone who is self-isolating because a household member is ill with Covid-19 symptoms should not be visiting any allotment site.
Public open spaces such as Hailsham Country Park, the Common Pond, Western Road Recreation Ground and Maurice Thornton Playing Field remain open to the public, although residents must heed government advice relating to social distancing.
“It is our duty as a town council to look after the health, safety and well-being of members, staff and residents,” said Town Mayor and Chairman of Hailsham Town Council, Cllr Paul Holbrook.
“We are continually monitoring developments concerning Covid-19 very closely in line with guidance from Public Health England, and many of the Council’s services and facilities will remain closed or open with restrictions until the current lockdown is lifted.”
“This is a very challenging time for us all, and we are trying to balance the public’s access to required services and properties with the need to promote public safety by reducing social interaction, which can spread the Coronavirus.”
“On behalf of the Town Council, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the public for their understanding of these necessary precautions as we take every step possible to ensure their good health and safety – and that of our members and staff.”
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: terry.hall@hailsham-tc.gov.uk