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Town Mayor Continues With Bulb Planting Campaign

Mayor's Press Releases

Photo of Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook planting spring bulbs at Hailsham Cemtery (October 2022) 

The Town Mayor‘s spring bulb planting programme continues in Hailsham, with the planting of daffodils and narcissi at the Hailsham Cemetery grounds in Ersham Road.

Mayor Councillor Paul Holbrook will be working hard over the next couple of weeks to ensure that some of the parks and public open spaces maintained by the Town Council are awash with colour next Spring.

As well as planting bulbs at Hailsham Cemetery, the Mayor plans to plant further bulbs in the coming weeks at other Town Council-maintained sites including Hailsham Country Park. This follows the planting of bulbs around benches along the perimeter of the Common Pond three weeks ago.

“After winter, spring flowers are always such a welcome sight and bulb planting is a great way to lift the appearance of an area.” said Councillor Holbrook. “Through Hailsham In Bloom and Environment Hailsham over the years, we have been able to benefit from the planting of well a vast number of visible spring bulbs – over and above what would normally be available thanks to generous donations from local businesses – improving many of the town’s verges and public open spaces.”

“I thought it was only fitting if I could contribute towards previous campaigns and supplement their achievements – although on Town Council land and on a considerably smaller scale! My aim through this planting campaign is to help make aesthetic enhancements to our public and green open spaces in time for the Spring.”

Cllr Holbrook added: “Hailsham Cemetery is a quiet, secluded burial ground run by the Town Council and maintained for maximum peace for those visiting loved ones. We want to ensure that our cemetery provides a fitting place for people to visit their loved ones, which is why I have planted some spring bulbs at the site – so we can ensure that the cemetery remains a place the community can be truly proud of.”

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: