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Town Council to Take on Responsibility for Additional Sports Pitches

Community, Council News & Services

Photo of Western Road Recreation Ground 

Hailsham Town Council has agreed in principle to take over responsibility for sports facilities and pitches at a future new development located on land west of Station Road, subject to planning permission.

The need for additional sports pitches was identified in the Town Council’s Neighbourhood Plan (and more recently in its Assets Plan) and it has been agreed that the developer of the land west of Station Road will build one full-size and one smaller pitch at the site plus changing facilities, which will be handed over to the Town Council for future management and maintenance.

Prior to the bringing into use of the sports pitches and associated changing facilities, a Community Use scheme will be drawn up and submitted to the local planning authority, along with a detailed turf/pitch performance assessment.

A working group will be set up by the Town Council soon to discuss the project further and make the necessary arrangements outlined above.

The works are currently programmed to be completed by the summer of 2028 (subject to the relevant planning consent being granted later this year). However, the developers are reviewing this date due to a request by the local planning authority for the facilities be delivered sooner.

“Residents and visitors to Hailsham will be able to enjoy even more sports, with extra facilities, thanks to money drawn from local developments,” said Assets Management Committee Chair, Cllr Mary Laxton.

“The project will see Hailsham Town Council working in partnership with local community sports clubs and organisations such as Hailsham Active to enable the growth in sports provision by providing two new football pitches and associated facilities. This will go a considerable way in terms of meeting the needs of an ever-growing community, enable greater engagement and enhance inclusivity within the local community.”

Cllr Laxton added: “Hailsham already has a rich sporting heritage and a myriad of quality sports surface maintained by the Town Council, including the Maurice Thornton Playing Fields and Western Road Recreation Ground (incorporating Beaconsfield).”

“By taking on responsibility for the new sports facilities in the future, this further provides us with a basis to develop sports playing surfaces considerably and address deficits and new demand associated with planned housing and population growth – all whilst helping our local sports clubs.”

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: