Hailsham Town Council has agreed its budget for 2021-2022.
The Town Council adopted the recommendation put forward by the Finance, Budget, Resources & Staffing Committee for the next financial year (April 2021 to March 2022) and agreed a budget of £1,146,870, with the amount of precept of £1,146,274 to be requisitioned from Wealden District Council.
This means that council tax for a Band D property in Hailsham will be £151.14, which represents a 3.4% increase on the previous year.
The shortfall in the budget of £596 is to be drawn from the Council’s reserves.
In making the recommendations for the budget, the Town Council aims to provide continuing security for essential services for residents and visitors alike with value for money improvements where possible.
COVID-19 has had an impact on the current 2020-2021 figures due to a number of facilities being closed, resulting in a loss of income. It has also impacted expenditure due to putting in place safety and hygiene facilities in its properties, including the public toilets, halls and play areas, which will be ongoing.
“The Town Council has agreed to minimally increase its share of the council tax for the next financial year,” said Councillor Gavin Blake-Coggins, chairman of the Finance, Budget, Resources & Staffing Committee.
“All local authorities have a public duty to keep council tax increases to a minimum and, despite having the same financial pressures as all other local authorities, we have shown that, with careful financial planning, we can achieve a 3.4% rise without compromising essential services for the community.”
“Our focus for the next year will be to continue to ensure all services are run as efficiently as possible – many with Covid-protection measures in place – including the running of the high street post office, public conveniences, community halls, cemetery, play areas and youth services, as well as funding for additional grass cutting.”
Council taxpayers should be aware that only a small percentage of the council tax demand goes to Hailsham Town Council – the remaining percentage goes to Wealden District Council, East Sussex County Council, the Police Authority and the Fire Service for the services they provide.
Locally, the Town Council is committed to supporting community-based initiatives and voluntary organisations, and throughout the next 12 months, will continue to work hard and drive forward initiatives to promote the town as a key location to live, work and visit, helping to boost the local economy.
If you require any further information on the Town Council budget for 2020/21 please contact John Harrison (Town Clerk) on 01323 841702 or by email: john.harrison@hailsham-tc.gov.uk.
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: terry.hall@hailsham-tc.gov.uk