Town councillors have agreed to continue funding for a successful community project addressing youth employment in Hailsham.
Hailsham Town Council initiated the Hailsham Works! project in August 2012, a programme which uses the unique mentoring and support skills of the Tomorrow’s People charity to work with both young people in work training placements and support employers to work towards a successful and meaningful employment experience.
The project was designed as a development of the already successful Heathfield Works! project and the first cohort in Hailsham was recruited for the programme in September 2013.
The Town Council has built £40,000 funding for Hailsham Works into the 2016-2017 budget profiling process and has agreed to fund a further four cohorts for the next year at £10,000 per cohort. Accommodation for the project in the 2 North Street building will be provided.
Town Mayor Councillor Nigel Coltman said: “The success of the Hailsham Works project to date is positive news for each and everyone concerned. We are very proud to offer financial support to boost the opportunities for the young people of our town. Youth unemployment is a significant issue here in Hailsham and indeed across the country.”
The Hailsham Works! project has for the most part been successful since its launch in September 2013 and, of the 81 young people who started the programme, 66 have completed the 10-week programme or 81% of participants.
The average percentage of young people achieving a successful outcome — that of employment, training or return to education at the end of the programme – is 71% (47 young people that completed the programme).
Town Clerk John Harrison commented: “Hailsham Town Council is on the side of young people and will continue to support schemes which engage and motivate disadvantaged young people who live in the town and want to work locally.”
Hailsham Works! Task Force Leader Jan Townsend commented: “We are delighted by the success of the Hailsham Works! scheme for which my colleagues and I have all worked so hard towards. Well done to everyone who has graduated on the scheme and thank you to Hailsham Town Council for their continued financial support.”
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Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: