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Town Council Addresses Air Pollution in Hailsham

Council News & Services, Environment

Car exhaust pipe fumes 

Hailsham Town Council has agreed to request that Wealden District Council undertakes additional air quality monitoring in the town, amid concerns about increasingly high levels of traffic pollution.

A motion concerning air pollution submitted by town councillor and former mayor Nigel Coltman, was considered at the latest meeting of Full Council held on Wednesday 17th July, acknowledging the increasing health danger of poor air quality in Hailsham, especially to younger residents.

Members agreed unanimously to:

  • Write to Wealden District Council requesting that they monitor PM2.5 and PM10 air pollution levels in Hailsham. If not actioned, the Town Council should contact the University of Sussex to see if they can provide the service;
  • Request that Wealden District Council and East Sussex County Council implement various measures to restrict cars in the proximity of schools including: 20mph speed limits, extension of double yellow lines, additional signage and any other measures that may be possible;
  • Promote parents walking their children to school and the use of the Cuckmere Community Bus through the Town Council’s usual publicity channels (websites, media releases, social media, residents’ newsletter and youth services);
  • Request of Wealden District Council that all new build developments in Hailsham and Hellingly should have cycle paths and connection to main cycle routes as detailed in the Hailsham Neighbourhood Development Plan.

Councillor Nigel Coltman said; “Hailsham Town Council is fully committed to and will strive to work with Wealden District Council and East Sussex County Council to improve the air quality in Hailsham and its environs.”

“The request for suitable monitoring of air pollution levels in Hailsham is just an initial step in tackling this important environmental issue,” added Councillor Coltman.

“High levels of pollutive particles in the air can cause a flare up of asthma to those susceptible to respiratory conditions, or symptoms such as coughing and difficulty breathing.”

“A leading cause of air pollution is emissions from road traffic. Hailsham town centre is already affected by high levels of through traffic and the resultant impact on air quality in our town needs to be addressed and monitored further.

“The current predicament with air quality will likely be exacerbated by housing development in the future, hence the need for in-depth monitoring and the production of updated air quality assessments for Hailsham.”

It is also anticipated that the Town Council will review its environmental policy in the future and consider replacing its vehicle fleet with appropriate green vehicles as part of its contract renewal process.

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Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: