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Town Centre Vacant Retail Units on the Decline

Shopping & Retail, Town Revitalisation

Hailsham town centre 

Latest figures show that Hailsham town centre falls well below the current regional and national averages of vacant ground floor commercial units.

During the past few years, the town centre has welcomed a range of new businesses, including those which have expanded and subsequently relocated to larger premises and retail spaces.

According to a recent vacancy rate survey conducted by Springboard, the percentage of vacant ground floor units in Hailsham currently stands at 4.6%, a significant drop from the 5.2% recorded in October 2018. This compares to a current regional/South east average of 8.0% and national average of 10.4%.

Deputy Town Clerk and Business Enterprise Manager Mickey Caira said: “The percentage of vacant commercial units in Hailsham currently falls below the current regional and national averages, which is excellent news for Hailsham. Hailsham is the place to be and there has been a marked improvement in the number of empty shops in the town centre which has fallen considerably since last year.”

“While it may be tempting to shop solely online, people need to consider all of the implications for local bricks and mortar businesses,” said Mickey Caira.

“Many Hailsham residents haven’t yet incorporated buying local into their lifestyles and it’s imperative that people realise what unique benefits local products have to offer. By switching your shopping habits and supporting your local shops, you can make a big difference and really help to keep Hailsham buzzing and prevent further vacant retail units in the town.”

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Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: