Hailsham Town Council’s Square Youth Cafe has received a welcome donation, having been presented with cheque for £500 from Hailsham Lions Club.
The award was presented to youth worker and former Square Youth Cafe attendee Sarah Dollard at the Hailsham Lions’ meeting held on Tuesday evening [3 May], who requested financial assistance on behalf of the young people.
The funding will be used to replace the pool table, which has deteriorated from constant use since the opening of the Square Youth Cafe in 2000.
Youth project coordinator at the Square Youth Cafe Andy Joyes said, “We are delighted to receive this cheque from Hailsham Lions Club and extremely grateful to them for generously supporting our important youth projects and activities.”
“Funding for the Square Youth Cafe is always needed in order to keep services running and to make sure that everyone gets the chance to use them. The young people who attend The Square will benefit considerably from this donation.”
Hailsham Lions Club president Keith Shonfeld MBE, who presented the award to Square Youth Cafe youth workers said: “My fellow Lions Club members and I have always been impressed by the high level of community service carried out by the staff at the Square Youth Cafe.”
“We are very supportive of youth services in Hailsham and for this reason, decided to give this £500 donation to help them continue their great work.”
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Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: terry.hall@hailsham-tc.gov.uk