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Residents Turn Out at Hailsham Annual Town Meeting

Community, Council News & Services

Annual Town Meeting 2017 

Infrastructure requirements and the current town centre transport improvement works were among the items raised at Hailsham Town Council’s Annual Town Meeting held at the Civic Community Hall yesterday evening [20 April], at which over 80 residents attended.

The meeting, which was chaired by the Town Mayor and Chairman, Councillor Nigel Coltman was attended by representatives from the Hailsham Neighbourhood Planning Team, Wealden District Council’s planning department, East Sussex Highways and the local Neighbourhood Policing Team (among other organisations) which provided information and answered questions from residents before the formal part of the meeting.

Town councillors and Council officers responded to a number of issues raised by Hailsham residents including the ongoing roadworks in the town centre, car parking and enforcement and the need for additional public toilet facilities.

At the meeting, the Town Mayor presented the 2017 Hailsham Hero Community Award to Malcolm Richards, founder and trustee of Hailsham Foodbank, who was selected by a committee made up of town councillors and residents from nominations submitted earlier this year.

Town Mayor Councillor Nigel Coltman said: “One of the highlights of the civic year is the Annual Town Meeting which is an opportunity to speak to the electors of Hailsham and answer any burning questions they may have about the local community and the Council’s activities. I’m thankful to all the residents who took the time to come along and have their concerns addressed.”

Town Clerk John Harrison said: “In summary of the past year, there have been some challenging times to which the Town Council has responded with a positive outlook, hard work and commitment from members and staff.”

“The Annual Town Meeting provided an opportunity for people to participate in discussion on town issues and local services.”

Hailsham Town Council will next be holding its Annual Council Meeting which takes place at the Town Council offices in Market Street on Wednesday 24th May from 7.30pm. Members of the public are cordially invited to attend and witness the election of the Town Mayor and Chairman for the coming year (2017-2018).

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Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: