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Public Consultation on Proposed New School for Hailsham


Reef Way School - artist's impression 

Members of the public are invited to attend a public consultation by the Beckmead Trust on Friday 13th December – 8.30am to 12pm at the James West Community Centre – to find out more about the proposed new school at Reef Way in Hailsham.

The school, which is scheduled to open in September 2020, will cater for around 80 pupils aged between 4 and 16 with Special Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs and include an outdoor games court and playgrounds and internal primary and secondary teaching areas, along with specialist therapy facilities.

In discussion with East Sussex County Council, it plans to admit up to 32 pupils across all year groups in September 2020 and will offer a total of 80 places when at full capacity from September 2022.

The Beckmead Trust has been approved by the Department for Education to enter the ‘pre-opening’ phase for The Ropemakers’ Academy (previously East Sussex SEMH Free School) which has subsequently been renamed The Ropemakers’ Academy to reflect the heritage of the town of Hailsham.

When an application for a Free School is approved and the proposed school enters the pre-opening phase, the Academy Trust is required to inform the local community and other stakeholders of our plans and allow people to respond. This is an expectation under Section 10 of the Academies Act 2010.

Local residents, parents, businesses and all other interested parties are invited to attend the consultation about the proposed plans for the new school on Friday 13th December.

“Local residents, businesses and other interested parties are encouraged to attend the drop-in public consultation event and ask any questions they may have relating to the proposed new school,” said the Mayor of Hailsham Councillor Paul Holbrook.

“This consultation is important and the Beckmead Trust is interested to hear from all stakeholders in relation to their plans. This will be an opportunity to liaise with representatives of the Trust, ask questions and share your views.”

Members of the public are also able to email their questions or views to or leave a message on 0208 777 9311.

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10.12.19.Reef.Way.Consultation 132 KB

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: