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Protection and Monitoring of Trees in Hailsham

Council News & Services, Environment

Tree work 

Have you noticed any dead, diseased or dangerous trees in Hailsham’s public open spaces? Do you wish to report damage or vandalism to protected trees in your neighbourhood?

Making sure trees on public property remain beautiful and don’t become safety hazards falls into the hands of Hailsham’s Tree Warden, Sam Spiers, appointed by the Town Council.

Sam Spiers, an experienced arboriculturist who owns and operates a tree surgery company based in Hailsham, is responsible for notifying the Town Council of threats to trees such as illegal building works, diseases and vandalism and advising the Council on various tree matters including those relating to tree policies and preservation orders.

Sam said he took the job because caring for trees can do many good things for the town: “Trees add to an environment, and they need to be taken care of. As Hailsham’s Tree Warden, it is my responsibility to make sure the town’s trees are in good health and safe to the public.”

Sam added, “Local residents can often spot problems with trees before council officials or landowners, and I am on hand to tell your local council of threats to trees or any tree work that needs undertaking, thus ensuring compliance with tree preservation orders and planning consents.”

“I would also encourage residents to keep their eyes open for vandalism to any newly planted trees in the town.”

Tree Wardens are volunteers, appointed by Parish Councils or other community organisations, who gather information about their local trees, get involved in local community tree matters, and monitor and protect trees and woodland areas.

Town Clerk John Harrison said, “Sam has a long history of concern and awareness of trees and service to the community which continues to benefit him well in his capacity as Tree Warden.”

“The town needs someone to be responsible for managing its woodland resources, and Sam, as the community’s eyes and ears, provides a useful link between the community and the Town Council on all matters relating to trees.”

To report damage to or potential safety issues concerning trees in public areas within Hailsham, contact Sam Spiers on 07812 910957 or email

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: