Hailsham Town Council has nearly completed the first year of its three-year risk management contract with independent arboriculturalists to inspect trees situated on land owned and managed by the Council.
Innovation Group Ltd Environmental Services Ltd was commissioned last year to provide tree condition and safety reports for land including Hailsham Country Park (including Wentworth Wood), the Common Pond, Grovelands Farm & Orchard Park, Western Road Recreation Ground, Maurice Thornton Playing Fields and Hailsham Cemetery.
Children’s play areas, allotment sites and various public open spaces maintained by the Town Council are also being assessed, along with the historic horse chestnut tree located next to Hailsham War Memorial.
“As landowners responsible for a number of trees in Hailsham’s open spaces, we have a duty of care to take practicable steps to avoid foreseeable harm to people or property,” said Councillor Richard Grocock, chairman of the Strategic Projects Committee.
“For this reason, various tree hazard risk surveys are being carried out on Town Council land in order to identify trees that require arboricultural work and, of course, taking into account public safety, the health of the tree and the risk of the spread of diseases.”
Works Supervisor Richard Gillett said: “We recognise the need to protect our arboricultural stock through the effective management of trees on land owned and managed by the Town Council and will also be adopting a formal tree management policy in the near future.”
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Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: terry.hall@hailsham-tc.gov.uk