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Positive Feedback from Residents on New Post Office

Council News & Services

Hailsham Post Office frontage 

Hailsham’s much-needed post office, which opened its doors in the town centre just a few weeks ago, has received lots of positive feedback from residents.

The Hailsham community has reacted in an appreciative manner to the Town Council’s taking over of the franchise and for saving the town’s post office earlier this year.

It is believed that the new post office located at 10 High Street, which was officially opened by the Mayor of Hailsham on Friday 12th July, is the first post office in the UK to be operated by a Town Council.

“I’m delighted that the public have commended the Town Council and are appreciative of our efforts over the past year to save this essential community facility,” said Hailsham Mayor and Chairman of the Town Council, Councillor Paul Holbrook.

“I can see that customers are very appreciative to have a post office in the town centre again. It’s wonderful that there is a conveniently located post office nearby for local businesses and residents, especially the elderly who often rely heavily on ease of access to local post office services.”

Operating 51 hours of post office service a week, the modern, open-plan premises provides all the standard counter services and offers four serving positions: two full-screened and two open plan serving positions along the retail counter.

The same wide range of Post Office products and services are available as before and banking services for personal customers and small businesses are also provided.

Town Clerk and Postmaster of the new post office, John Harrison commented: “The new post office service is going really well, and people are really glad to have a post office back in the town centre. A post office is a vital service for the community, and this is a growing town with thousands more homes being built in the area, so we decided that we had to find a way to re-open the post office.”

“Hailsham Town Council pledged a certain amount of funding to get the post office open. We plan to get to the stage where Hailsham’s post office will break even and it will be self-funding. We made a conscious decision not to offer any other retail premises as we didn’t want to affect the livelihoods of any other shops in the area.”

The post office opening hours are Monday to Saturday, from 9am to 5.30pm.

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Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: