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Plans for Summer Events in Hailsham Under Way

Council News & Services

Hailsham Summer Market 2018 

It might only be February, but preparations by the Town Council’s festivities team is under way for a duo of fun events taking place in the town centre this summer.

Plans for two different community events are in the initial stages, with organisation progressing well for the Hailsham Sussex Day and Hailsham Summer Market in June and July respectively.

The Hailsham Sussex Day will take place in the town centre on Saturday 15th June from and organisers are pleased to be working with the town centre shops once again – it is hoped they will be offering discounts off their goods and special promotions on the day.

The Long Man Morris Dancers and The Sussex Stompers will be providing live entertainment on the day and performance times will be announced soon.

Hailsham Summer Market, which takes place on Saturday 20th July, is set to be a popular family event offering something for everyone.

Vicarage Field will be home to street market stalls selling a range of locally sourced food, as well as gifts and accessories and there a specialist French Market, courtesy of traders Le Marche.

Live music will be offered throughout the day, including performances from The Sussex Stompers, and Hailsham FM will be attending both events.

Councillor Chriss Triandafyllou, vice-chairman of the Town Council’s Communities Committee said: “Summer 2019 will be an exciting time for Hailsham and I’m delighted to again be part of organising the festivities scheduled. This year, we’re aiming to do something even bigger and better than before.”

“Whilst only some of the arrangements are in place, we are confident that the summer events organised by the Town Council will be well received by the public and offer fun for residents and visitors alike.”

Deputy Town Clerk and Business Enterprise Manager Mickey Caira commented: “This year’s summer community events will bring energy and atmosphere to the town and our main aim is to work with partner organisations to establish community led festivities which benefit the residents of Hailsham, whilst supporting local traders and increasing the footfall in the town during the summer period.”

For further information on event, please contact Karen Giddings on 01323 841702 or by email.

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Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: