The Mayor of Hailsham has planted a red prunus at the Common Pond site to replace a damaged tree which was removed last year, part of a tree planting exercise to supplement the Town Council’s ongoing project involving the installation of additional trees at various Council-maintained sites.
Several trees were planted at Hailsham Country Park in recent months as part of a wider scheme to install individual tree saplings and small copses of trees ongoing into the future to implement the Town Council’s long-term environmental objectives.
The Town Council is carefully considering which species to plant at other sites in the future to maximise the trees’ growth capability and effectiveness, and to minimise any future unnecessary maintenance costs. Species planted in parks, open spaces and on grass verges will be selected on suitability to setting and biodiversity value, as well as visual appearance.
Furthermore, areas targeted for new tree planting will be those where trees have been removed or where there is an identified need to increase the overall tree cover to help increase local environmental quality and biodiversity levels.
The scheme is being funded by a designated planting budget and the plan is to only plant semi-mature trees, as these are more robust to vandalism and disease. The tree management budget has to cover the maintenance of all the Council tree stock, so tree installation will only take place if the budget allows at any given time during the planting campaign period.
Town Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook commented: “The money we have injected into the tree planting project will not only be spent on the new trees themselves, but also on the equipment required to plant them, plus other features to protect the trees and benefit native wildlife into the bargain.”
“We’re delighted to be in a position to plant additional trees on our various sites and public open spaces. It goes without saying that this is a really positive step towards implementing the Town Council’s environmental aspirations and more broadly, to nature-based solutions to climate change – which affects us all.”
“The planting of additional trees and the replacement of dead trees in Hailsham reflects the Town Council’s commitment to keeping our parks and public open spaces green and pleasant for residents and visitors alike. It is of vital importance that our green sites include as many varieties of trees as possible to attract wildlife and improve local environmental quality.”
Cllr Holbrook added: “Whilst carrying out the tree planting at the Common Pond, it was lovely to be able to meet our Pond Warden again, Phil Hobden. As part of the Town Council’s obligation to ensure that the pond is well maintained and visually appealing to the public, Phil checks the area on a regular basis and reports problems or concerns about the site to the Town Council.”
“The Common Pond has been a focal point in Hailsham for centuries. Our Pond Warden and members of the Town Council’s outdoor works team should be praised for all the work undertaken there. The Town Council looks forward to the continuation of its work to maintain and improve the pond in the future, so that residents and visitors to the town can continue to enjoy this local beauty spot.”
“Again, thanks to Phil for all his hard work, and the local residents who have been keeping a watchful eye on this wonderful site over the years.”
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: