In his weekly address to the people of Hailsham, the Town Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook tells everyone that, although the local community is feeling the effects of the COVID-19 situation, he has faith that everyone will do what is necessary to help each other during this difficult time.
“We find our family, friends and community at large continues to experience the strangest of situations at present, as a result of this dreadful coronavirus pandemic.
Whilst it seems that there is no definitive course of action yet that will defeat COVID-19, I strongly encourage everyone to do their part and continue to restrict the transmission of the virus by following the social distancing and other measures recommended by Public Health England and other government agencies.
One of the best things about being Mayor of Hailsham is meeting so many wonderful people in the local community at various engagements and acting as an ambassador for our brilliant town. Of course, you will understand that I have cleared my diary for the foreseeable future and I am now spending some of my time supporting our vulnerable and older residents who may be struggling to come to terms with self-isolation – and being only a phone call away.
But more importantly, I am extremely grateful to the many local community groups, voluntary organisations, businesses and individuals who are offering local deliveries, pick-ups, drop-offs and even those checking on or caring for people who are self-isolating, elderly or more vulnerable to the virus. I am truly amazed by the response of you all to the crisis.
My heartfelt gratitude goes to all the hardworking NHS staff and emergency services, as well as keyworkers and frontline workers such as teachers, pharmacists, retained emergency and care services personnel, refuse collectors, restaurants offering takeaways and those working hard in our supermarkets, for their continued service and support during this time of need.
I’d also like to extend special thanks to those Hailsham residents that show their support for our valued NHS staff and keyworkers by standing at their front door and clapping at 8pm every Thursday. Thank you.
As you know, COVID-19 continues to spread in our community and, in this time of crisis, regular communication with residents – in addition to local businesses, voluntary organisations and community stakeholders – is critical.
Please continue to help anyone you may think is in need, whether it be simple tasks like shopping and collecting medication for those who are vulnerable or self-isolating. But, at the same time, please do heed the advice we have been given by the Government concerning social distancing. Don’t put yourselves and others at risk. We are all a part of the solution to this pandemic.
In closing, I wish to assure you all that I will be thinking of more ways I can help and how we, the Town Council, can continue to be there to support our local community to get through this worrying time.
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy.
Councillor Paul Holbrook, Town Mayor & Chairman
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: