The Mayor of Hailsham has called on everyone to continue the battle against Coronavirus infection spread and, in his weekly message to residents, Cllr Paul Holbrook assures people that the Town Council is continuing to support the community during the public health crisis:
“I wish to assure everyone that much of the Town Council’s effort continues to be put into communicating with you all the closure and any relevant updates relating to the wide range of services that we provide, such as community halls, play areas, youth services and market events.
We are also continuing to keep residents updated on our services and facilities which have remained open but with changes and/or restrictions in place, including the cemetery, post office, allotments, parks and open spaces.
Communicating changes and temporary restrictions to our services is a very important task and I encourage everyone to follow the Town Council social media pages during the pandemic, and keep an eye on our main website for any updates on Council services and facilities.
Our social media pages continue to be filled up with much of the detail that residents and businesses might need in order to get through this difficult period. Nevertheless, if there is something that you think should be covered or promoted then please do get in touch.
I continue to be amazed week by week by the response to the pandemic from community groups, voluntary organisations and local businesses. Many of them have stepped up to the challenge of keeping our elderly and vulnerable residents safe, in addition to providing much-needed supplies to our NHS staff and care workers.
There has been a fantastic response from the local community to appeals for help during the coronavirus pandemic thus far and I would like to personally thank all of the members of our Hailsham community – and fellow town councillors – who have worked extremely hard in recent weeks to offer their support to those who need it. I cannot name any individual or group, simply because the list is too long!
And I’m proud that the Town Council has set up an emergency funding grant scheme, of which Hailsham-based charities and voluntary organisations which are supporting the community through the coronavirus pandemic are eligible to apply.
In these difficult times, it is excellent news that the Town Council is in a position to be able to assist organisations financially in their endeavours to help our most vulnerable residents. It’s crucial that the local community works together and supports each other financially or by other means.
Don’t forget, the deadline for all grant funding applications is 4pm this coming Friday.
Regarding last Friday’s Hailsham Live virtual commemorations for the 75th anniversary of VE Day, I’m delighted that many of us took the time to remember that VE Day was not only one of celebration marking the end of hostilities in Europe during World War Two, but it was also a moment of great sadness and reflection, as many people had lost their lives in the conflict with a great deal of individuals continuing to fight in other conflicts.
The newly adapted online version of Hailsham Live featured some exclusive performances from some of the artists who were booked for the original event scheduled to take place in the town centre, the marking of national commemorations with the Last Post, Battles O’er and a Cry for Peace, and some other surprises along the way. The online event raised money for the Hailsham branch of the Royal British Legion.
In closing, the one thing that I know that Hailsham has, and on a considerable scale, are good neighbours. Picking up and dropping off food or medicine for vulnerable people, helping out by walking their dog, or simply phoning or video calling them for a chat can be delivered without Councils or volunteer groups getting involved. These simple acts of kindness can go a long way!
It only remains for me to repeat my thanks and good wishes to the people of Hailsham and on behalf of the community to all the front line key workers – for all those individuals, community groups and volunteers who provide for our needs and help to protect us during this difficult time. Thank you for everything you are doing. Hailsham has a truly amazing community spirit of which I am extremely proud.”
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: