The Mayor of Hailsham, Cllr Paul Holbrook, has called on everyone to continue the battle against Coronavirus infection spread and in his latest message to residents, thanks the public for adhering to the latest government guidelines and assures people that the Town Council is continuing to support the community during the pandemic.
“It is disappointing that we had to enter Tier 2 restrictions recently in defence against the spread of COVID-19. Without a doubt, this continues to cause difficulties and some setbacks for many of us on a daily basis, but we must continue to be determined and do our best to prevent the spread of the virus as instructed by government agencies.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for sacrificing many freedoms and enduring the many restrictions associated with tackling the pandemic. I’m proud of the Hailsham community for persevering and doing their part to prevent the spread of the virus by following the latest guidelines.
Whilst I’ll be issuing my official Christmas message in the coming days, I’d like to take the opportunity now to say that, while many of us have had a bad year due to COVID-19, very soon, Christmas will be upon us. This Christmas will certainly be different all round with the proposed restrictions on the number of people from different households we’re allowed to mingle with.
But this Christmas brings with it the hope that next year will see a noticeable improvement in the number of infection cases, if as many of us as possible seek the protection needed from COVID-19 and have the vaccine when it’s readily available.
With the arrival of the new COVID-19 vaccine, it is estimated that we should now only be a matter of months away from fully protecting ourselves from the virus and returning to some semblance of normality in our daily lives. In the meantime, however, we still need to adhere to the current Government guidelines in the run up to Christmas and indeed, over the Christmas period and beyond.
Please bear in mind that we must all remember to follow Government recommendations during the ‘three-family/five-day’ festive holiday, for the benefit of your family and friends’ health. While we can clearly see a light at the end of the tunnel now, we’re not quite there yet and all we need to do our part to keep everyone safe and prevent COVID-19 case numbers from rising further.
I would also like to stress that it is important that the residents of Hailsham continue to support our local shops and businesses, as the impact of their closure over recent months has had a tremendous effect on their revenues and business stability. It’s been a bad year for many businesses too, not just residents!
Because of the uncertainty that is characteristic of the pandemic and everyday living of late, many more of us have shopped early online for Christmas this year. Nevertheless, I encourage residents to shop in Hailsham to buy those gifts and groceries you still have to get. Supporting our local businesses is essential if we are to help the local economy get back on its feet after a disruptive year for many of them.
Thank you all and stay safe.”
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: