Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, Hailsham Town Council has closed all maintained play areas with immediate effect.
The announcement is in line with government advice on non-essential contact in response to dealing with the current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
The decision to close play areas has been taken after considering the risks to public health, the availability of hand-wash facilities and the difficulty in keeping children at a safe social distance.
Notices have been put up regarding the closure and all Town Council-maintained play areas will be locked. Additionally, the outdoor gyms located on the Western Road Recreation Ground and Maurice Thornton Playing Field will be closed for the time being.
Public open spaces such as Hailsham Country Park will remain open to the public, although residents MUST heed government advice relating to social distancing.
“The pleasant weather has seen many people going outdoors over the last few days, some not following government advice and the recommended guidance for keeping 2 metres apart,” said Town Clerk John Harrison.
“Therefore, we have had to make the decision today to close our play areas and we ask residents not to use these areas until they are re-opened in the future.”
“Whilst our public open spaces, including the Common Pond, Western Road Recreation Ground and Country Park will remain open for the time being, we ask people that are using them to respect the health and safety of others at all times, following the relevant government guidance on social distancing.”
The Town Council will keep this decision under review and will update the public if there are any further changes.
Town Mayor Councillor Paul Holbrook commented: “Closing Hailsham’s play areas is vital if we are to help combat the spread of the Coronavirus. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused and this was by no means an easy decision to make. It’s imperative that we take the health of the local community into consideration during this difficult time.”
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Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: terry.hall@hailsham-tc.gov.uk