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Hailsham Town Mayor’s New Year Message to Residents

Mayor's Press Releases

Mayor Cllr Paul Holbrook 

“I hope that you had a pleasant Christmas break with your families and loved ones.

I’d like to take the opportunity to say that, while many of us had another challenging year due to the coronavirus pandemic, we have now entered a new year and should take a positive outlook on 2022 and what improvements it can bring to our lives.

2022 brings the hope that we will see a noticeable reduction in the number of infection cases, if as many of us as possible seek the protection needed from COVID-19 by having vaccines when available to you and continuing to protect yourself and other around you from the virus.

Despite the stress and strains of last year that many of us have experienced, let’s not lose sight of community spirit, generosity and care that has been so evident in Hailsham since the start of the pandemic in 2020.

The Omicron variant is still taking its toll on the NHS and we all still need to be vigilant, limit our larger social gatherings for the time being if possible, wear face coverings in indoor public spaces and look out for our neighbours who are vulnerable and more susceptible to the virus.

With the fast uptake of the booster vaccine, we should be able to go some way in protecting ourselves from the virus as much as we can and eventually return to some semblance of normality in our daily lives at some point in 2022.

We just need to be patient a little longer and, even though we are still battling the virus, we should follow the latest Government guidelines relating to social distancing, hygiene and other protection measures for the benefit of local community health.

On a more positive note, the New Year traditionally denotes a new start – an opportunity to begin afresh and strive to do even better. For me personally this is an exciting time, as I look forward with expectancy and anticipation to what 2022 has to offer our wonderful town.

While the first part of the year is likely to still be rocky due to the pandemic, I am looking forward avidly to the remaining few months in my term of office as Town Mayor and Chairman of the Town Council. I feel honoured to serve and represent the people of Hailsham and look forward to getting out and about, and meeting you all at future civic engagements.

I will continue to raise the profile of local charities, community groups and voluntary organisations in Hailsham as much as possible, all of which work selflessly to help others and make individuals’ lives just that much better and brighter. I am sure that the warm-hearted and generous people of our town will continue to come together and support those most in need during 2022.

The Town Council is again this year working towards finding ways to carry out our activities and make front-line operations as efficient as possible. Like many town and parish councils across the country we are committed to providing value for money.

We all know times are tough at present, and in the coming year we may face some difficult decisions on how to balance providing essential quality services with ever-decreasing budgets. The way the Town Council operates will continue to transform.

However, whatever the future holds, I can guarantee the residents this. My New Year’s resolution, and the Town Council’s, is to have a renewed determination to work hard for the residents and the wider community of Hailsham.

On behalf of the Mayoress Barbara and myself, may we wish you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful New Year. Whatever your aspirations may be, go forward with determination and you will be rewarded by your own efforts in 2022.

Thank you and stay safe.”

Cllr Paul Holbrook

Town Mayor & Chairman, Hailsham Town Council

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: