Hailsham Town Council is to make changes to the way in which it distributes its newsletter to residents effective from the next edition, due to be published next month.
To be re-launched in late February, ‘The Town Crier’, which is currently published three times a year and includes articles of interest to residents such as information on the Town Council’s activities, service updates, consultation results, upcoming community projects and events and councillor contact details, will be distributed to a small number of public outlets for display/collection by residents as opposed to being delivered to most households in the town.
The principal reason behind the decision is to reduce the overall cost associated with the production and distribution of the newsletter, but the new distribution method will also result in the Town Council not having to rely on contracted distribution companies’ availability schedule which dictates the production timetables. Therefore, absolute internal control over the planning and co-ordination of newsletter production can be introduced.
Furthermore, it will also allow the Town Council to effectively measure demand for the newsletter by checking stocks in the various distribution points. The number of copies given to each public outlet, the locations used for distribution and the overall number of copies printed can also subsequently be altered according to how many are taken from each location.
The newsletter will continue to be published in February, June and October and, subject to agreement from the relevant parties, will be available from the following collection points:
Additional locations may be added in the future subject to approval, including doctors’ surgeries and the local Citizens’ Advice Bureau premises.
Residents will continue to be able to access the publication online as a downloadable Portable Document Format file via the Hailsham Town Council website (https://www.hailsham-tc.gov.uk), and will be invited to subscribe to receive a link to the latest newsletter as and when it is published.
To subscribe, send an email to enquiries@hailsham-tc.gov.uk with ‘SUBSCRIBE TO NEWSLETTER’ typed in the subject bar. Those who subscribe will be able to unsubscribe at any time by contacting the Town Council.
Town Clerk John Harrison said ‘Our Hailsham’ is a valuable way of reaching residents of Hailsham to advise them on how the Town Council is performing, as well as providing useful information on the Council’s services, future community projects and what is happening in the town: “We hope that people continue to read the newsletter and continue to take an interest in the workings of their Town Council.”
“Whilst we regret to inform residents that they won’t be receiving the newsletter through their letterboxes anymore via a contracted distribution company, the reduction in the number of newsletters printed, the introduction of a new online subscription option and availability for collection at public outlets will result in considerable savings for the Town Council.”
The reduced number of printed copies and methods of distribution will be subject to review at a later date, based on any feedback received from residents.
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: terry.hall@hailsham-tc.gov.uk