Whilst most services and facilities run by the Town Council are up and running, some remain accessible but with restrictions in place. Please note that the public will be updated as soon as any further changes are proposed.
Reception/Public Enquiries: The Town Council reception, located in Market Street, is open to the public and being staffed Monday to Friday from 10am to 3pm. Measures remain in place in the reception area to ensure the safety of staff – including the requirement to sanitise your hands and wear face masks whilst on the premises.
Normal office opening hours of 9am-4pm (Monday to Friday, except bank holidays) will be reintroduced in the future.
Burials & Cemetery: Hailsham Cemetery in Ersham Road is open for graveside and ashes burials . Currently, there isn’t a cap on the maximum number of mourners/attendees allowed at graveside burial services.
High Street Post Office: The high street post office is currently open from 10am-4pm Monday to Friday and on Saturdays from 10am-1pm. Normal opening times will be reintroduced in the future.
Community Hall & Meeting Room Hire: The James West Community Centre is open and available for hire/bookings from individuals, businesses, classes and community groups. Please call 01323 841702 or email sherridan.harper@hailsham-tc.gov.uk for details. Hire of the Fleur de Lys Meeting Room in Market Street and Southview Community Rooms in Western Road is currently unavailable until further notice.
Hailsham Youth Service: Many of the Town Council’s face-to-face youth service venues/activities are operating at different/temporary opening hours.
The Square Youth Cafe is currently open for afternoon/after school sessions (Monday to Friday, 3.15pm-5pm – Yrs 7-8) and evening sessions (Monday to Friday, 6.45pm-9pm – Yrs 9-12). The Hellingly Youth Hub on Wednesdays (5.30pm-7pm – Yrs 6-8 / 7.30pm-9pm – Yrs 9-11). Monday Youth Hub sessions currently take place at the James West Community Centre on Monday evenings (6.15pm-7.30pm – Yrs 6-8 / 7.45pm-9pm – Yrs 9-11).
Friday Night Project (FNP) activities will relaunch on 17th September, details of which are available on the Hailsham Youth Service website.
Public Conveniences: An outside contractor is currently responsible for the opening, closing and cleaning of the public conveniences adjacent to the Asda car park in North Street on a daily basis. To allow more frequent cleaning of toilets, the facility currently operates six days a week (Monday to Saturday), from 9.30am-4pm each day.
Hailsham Street Market: Hailsham Street Market is currently open from in Vicarage Field from 8.30am to 1.30pm on Saturdays.
“We are working hard to ensure that vital Town Council services are maintained and that our most vulnerable residents are protected from COVID-19,” said Town Clerk John Harrison. “Things continue to change at a rapid pace and we thank everyone for their patience.”
“Please rest assured that we will endeavour to reinstate any other services affected as early as we can and will keep the public updated through the local press, on our website and via our social media pages.”
Members of the public are encouraged to follow the Town Council social media pages and the following web page for updates on Council services and facilities: https://www.hailsham-tc.gov.uk/coronavirus-postponement-of-council-activities/.
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: terry.hall@hailsham-tc.gov.uk