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Community Hall Bookings Unavailable Until Further Notice

Community, Council News & Services

James West Community Centre building exterior 

Due to the ongoing public health emergency, Hailsham Town Council‘s community hall facilities will remain closed until further notice.

The announcement is in line with government advice on non-essential contact in response to dealing with the current COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.

The hire of community facilities managed by the Town Council, including the James West Community Centre in Brunel Drive, Fleur de Lys Meeting Room in Market Street and Southview Community Rooms in Western Road, have been suspended and all upcoming events cancelled or postponed for now.

“While these closures will remain in place for the foreseeable future, we will be monitoring developments and following guidelines set by Public Health England and other government agencies with regards to when it may be practical and acceptable to reopen the venues,” said Town Clerk John Harrison.

“This was by no means an easy decision to make and we must consider the health of the local community and our staff. They are our priorities at this difficult time.”

Hailsham Town Council has also decided to postpone the Annual Town Electors’ Meeting scheduled for Wednesday 1st April and has cancelled all Council and Committee meetings until further notice.

“It is our duty as a parish council to look after the health, safety and wellbeing of members, staff and visitors to our office building and community halls, as well as to our public events,” said Town Mayor and Chairman of Hailsham Town Council, Cllr Paul Holbrook.

“This is a very challenging time for us all, and we are trying to balance the public’s access to required services and properties with the need to promote public safety by reducing social interaction, which can spread the Coronavirus.”

“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the public for their understanding of these necessary precautions as we take every step possible to ensure their wellbeing and safety – and that of our members and staff.”

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Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: