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Community Group and Local Authority Representatives to Attend Annual Town Meeting

Council News & Services


Local authority and community group representatives have confirmed their attendance at the forthcoming Hailsham Annual Town (Electors’) Meeting, which takes place at the Civic Community Hall in Vicarage Lane on Wednesday 8th March.

Attendees at the town meeting include Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), who will be on hand to answer questions from residents and raise issues concerning local policing matters, as well as officers from Wealden District Council.

The Town Council’s youth projects team (Hailsham Youth Service) will be available to showcase their work during the past year and share plans for the forthcoming year, answer questions about the Service’s activities and key projects. Members of the Hailsham & District Twinning Association will also be in attendance, providing information on the various outings, activities and hosting exchange opportunities available to prospective members.

The information exhibition and opportunity to talk to community group/local authority representatives will take place from 6.30pm to 7.30pm, prior to the main residents’ meeting.

The main part of the meeting will start at 7.30pm and will be chaired by the Town Mayor and Chairman, Councillor Paul Holbrook. Those who attend will be given the opportunity to discuss matters applicable to the parish of Hailsham and ask relevant questions, subject to the provisions of Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972. The subject of the questions can properly cover any issue of public concern affecting residents of the parish.

“As in previous years, it is envisaged that the Annual Town Meeting event will provide an opportunity for local groups to showcase their projects and activities to the public and share their plans for the forthcoming year, while also enabling an exchange of ideas and information between the town’s various stakeholders,” said Town Clerk, John Harrison.

“It’s been another very busy year where we have been taking forward a number of projects, including improvements to existing services. Our Annual Town Meeting offers a great opportunity to provide a clear update on the significant community projects that we have been working on to take the town forward. Furthermore, this important meeting gives all residents an opportunity to tell us what you would like to see over the coming year and put forward your views on ways to improve our town for everyone.”

Town Mayor Councillor Paul Holbrook commented: “The Town Council is the tier of local government closest to the people and consists of individual councillors who contribute to the work of the whole Council by representing their constituents and responding to the needs of the community and ensuring the delivery of cost-effective quality services for residents.”

“It is the responsibility of all of us to help ensure that the town continues to be a pleasant place to live, work and visit, so I encourage you to come along to the Annual Town Electors’ Meeting and put forward your comments and suggestions. Your town councillors will be there to listen, help and answer any questions relating to our services and projects.”

To ask a question in advance, please write to: John Harrison (Town Clerk), Inglenook, Market Street, Hailsham, BN27 2AE. The deadline for submission of questions is Friday 3rd March. Residents can also turn up and ask questions on the night.

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: