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Changes to Hailsham Street Market and Forthcoming Review

Shopping & Retail

Hailsham Street Market 

Hailsham Street Market is to operate on a twice-monthly basis from July for the remainder of the year (on a trial basis) as opposed to weekly, following a decision made by the Town Council at its Annual Meeting held last Wednesday [22 May].

The decision to reduce the frequency of street markets was initially proposed at a recent meeting of the Communities Committee, as a means of revitalising the market and placing more focus on providing entertainment throughout the year to encourage more footfall in the town centre.

Also, by reducing the street market operating times, it is anticipated that more emphasis will be placed on building up the markets and organising more speciality/themed events to generate more interest in the market.

The regular market, organised by the Town Council, will continue to take place in Vicarage Field but will operate on the first and third Saturday of the month from 8.30am to 1.30pm.

The new market operating times will come into effect from July on a 6-month trial basis and will be reviewed during the period by a newly appointed Street Market Working Group.

The cost of a market pitch is currently £20 if traders require a gazebo, supplied by the Town Council – and £10 if traders supply their own gazebo.

“I’m delighted that Hailsham Street Market continues to operate,” said Town Clerk John Harrison. “It goes without saying that we have seen some growth here and there in terms of the number of new traders recently, but there’s always room for more. To increase footfall at all of the markets, we thought it would be beneficial all round to reduce the frequency of markets and combine them with street entertainment to attract visitors to the town.”

“The acquisition of new stallholders will continue to our main aim and part of our work in terms of helping to boost the local economy. We’re keen to support local businesses and give new traders the chance to sell their goods in the town centre at our street market.”

Mr Harrison added: “By supporting local producers, growers, suppliers and offering them the opportunity to sell locally – markets are an ideal way of showcasing the diverse range of products available in Hailsham and, as well as calling out for new traders to benefit from selling at the market, I’d encourage shoppers to come down to Vicarage Field every first and third Saturday of the month and support independent trade.”

Some positive feedback has been received from regular traders at the market over the past year:

“The street market has been great exposure for my relatively new business. As well as what I sell in the day it’s given me a lot of new business just from being there. I would encourage other traders to give it a go! Be prepared though to allow time for customers to get to know you are there regularly – and then trade will start to get established. Also, a very helpful service from the chaps putting up and taking down gazebos.” Market trader Becky Jenner (Misty Acres Flowers)

“I first started making jam as a hobby shortly after I retired as a teacher. I began selling at fetes and then joined Hailsham Street Market when it first began. I have now built up a regular clientele of customers who advertise me to their friends, for which I am very pleased.” Market trader Brenda Taylor (The Jam Lady)

To book a stall or to discuss trader eligibility criteria, call 01323 841702 or email For access to market trader application forms, visit

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: