Hailsham Town Council has replaced most of its dog-waste bins across the town with dual-purpose bins, which can be used for both general litter and dog-waste.
The decision to remove the dog-waste bins is part of the Town Council’s aim to improve the effectiveness of individual bins through a program of removal and replacement, as well as a significant cost-cutting exercise.
The Town Council currently provides dog-waste bins at several locations across the town owned or managed by the Council where residents can deposit dog fouling. Sites where bins are provided include the Common Pond, Hailsham Country Park – and those located on cemetery grounds, allotment sites, children’s play areas, public open spaces, the Maurice Thornton Playing Field and Western Road Recreation Ground.
The Town Council has no legal duty to provide litter and dog-waste bins but it does have a duty to keep Council owned land clear of litter and refuse as far as practicable.
“We have just completed a project aimed at improving our efficiencies and rationalising our litter/waste collection expenditure,” said Deputy Town Clerk & Business Enterprise Manager, Mickey Caira. “The cost of servicing and maintaining the dog-waste bins, combined with the marked increase in costs for waste disposal over the years led us to reach the decision to remove all designated dog bins under our management and replace them where necessary with dual-use bins suitable for both dog waste and general litter.”
“Clearing up after your dog helps to prevent the spread of diseases that can affect not only dogs, but people too. Furthermore, it keeps our parks, play areas and public open spaces clean for other visitors.”
Mr Caira added: “Now that most of the new bins have been installed, residents are encouraged to use them to put both their dog waste and general litter in. Please note that dog waste can also be discarded in your domestic waste bin should residents take the dog waste home with them.”
“All in all, the removal of the existing dog-waste bins and replacement with dual use ones will significantly reduce the overall cost to the Town Council and ratepayer to dispose of the waste.”
The Town Council will continually monitor the usage of bins to determine their viability. Any bin not being used or used only infrequently may be removed in the future.
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: terry.hall@hailsham-tc.gov.uk