Hailsham Town Council is intending to keep its allotment sites in Battle Road, Station Road and Harold Avenue open to tenants until such time as otherwise instructed by government agencies.
The Council appreciates that allotments provide both physical and psychological well-being, as well as offering a modest source of food production at a time of high demand.
As you are aware, the situation has changed considerably regarding how much time we are to spend outside, how many we are to spend it with and where we are allowed to visit. All Town Council-owned allotment sites are currently open and will remain so until the Council is advised to close them to tenants.
Travel to and from the allotments is permitted if due precautions as laid out by the Government are taken. Visiting any allotment site constitutes your daily exercise as currently set out by the Government.
It is important that anyone attending their allotment takes care to stay the appropriate distance from others, avoid body contact and use hand sanitiser where appropriate.
Allotment tenants are still permitted to visit their plots to take daily exercise in line with government regulation, but MUST follow the guidelines below.
Daily exercise does not mean spending the whole day on the plot. Plot holders must visit for a short period of time only. It is important that any plot holders over 70 years and those with underlying health conditions follow the guidance and information issued by the Government.
“Taking into account the instructions and guidelines around movement and social gatherings from the Government earlier this week, we understand that, for the time being, allotment tenants are still allowed to visit their plots, on their own and as a form of daily exercise,” said Town Clerk John Harrison.
“However, we cannot emphasise enough the importance of following all the advice concerning social distancing and hygiene and not gather together on the allotment sites. This is a very challenging time for so many people and of course the health and safety of our residents remains our top priority.”
All group National Allotment Society (NAS) meetings countrywide have been canclled until further notice, following the Government update on 16 March and this will be reviewed on the in due course.
Government advice about the Coronavirus is updated on a regular basis. Click here to view the updates.
Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: terry.hall@hailsham-tc.gov.uk