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Activities for Young People a Priority in 2016

Youth Services

Windsurfing with the Hailsham Friday Night Project 

Hailsham Town Council’s youth services continue to benefit young people aged 12 to 17, providing them with access to a wide range of opportunities and activities throughout the year.

The Friday Night Project (FNP), which is funded by Hailsham Town Council and the Safer Wealden Partnership, works in partnership with other organisations such as Targeted Youth Support (TYS) and Hailsham Community College to help create alternative recreational activities for young people on Friday evenings and will continue to be a feature on their social events calendar during the winter and spring months.

A variety of unique and carefully planned activities for young people have been planned for the FNP, including dry-slope skiing and soft-play at the Knockhatch Centre (skiing lessons for beginners available), ten-pin bowling at Freedom Leisure, as well as abseiling and zip wire at the PGL Centre in Windmill Hill, ice skating at The Spectrum in Guildford and a trip to Thorpe Park this spring.

Andy Joyes, Youth Project Coordinator at Hailsham Town Council said: “The Friday Night Project outings are organised to help prevent and reduce antisocial behaviour and boredom among young people. Young people are guaranteed to have fun and there’s bound to be something for everyone.”

“Through organising such activities, young people are provided with opportunities to make new friends and develop a broad range of team-building skills that will help create a strong foundation for their future. I would encourage them to take advantage of the outings that are available to them and get involved.”

“Thanks must go to all Friday Night Project partners, in addition to the Safer Wealden Partnership for their generous funding from the very beginning.”

Young people in Hailsham and surrounding areas aged between 12 and 17 years are welcome to attend outings organised by the Town Council’s youth project team. For further details, including bookings and programmes, contact Andy Joyes on 01323 841702. Alternatively, visit or for more information.

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Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: