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A Year of Major Upgrades to Hailsham’s Play Areas

Council News & Services

Photo of new play equipment in Hailsham's play areas 

With the success of the complete refurbishment of the play area in Western Road last year, the Town Council has taken the opportunity to bring other playgrounds, including those located in Stroma Gardens, Battle Road and on the Maurice Thornton Playing Field up to optimum standard, delivering exciting upgrades to play equipment and offering excellent play value for all users.

The upgrade to the Maurice Thornton Playing Field play area involved the installation of a 30-metre aerial zipwire, replacement of the broken inclusive roundabout and complete overlaying of the wet-pour in this area.

At the Stroma Gardens playground, new pieces of toddler equipment have recently been installed, in addition to the removal of the large slide and replacement with a toddler multi-play unit. A 4-person springy seesaw and inclusive toddler springy have also be installed on the site.

Additionally, work was carried out on the play area situated in Battle Road, which involved the installation of a new multi-play unit, teen swings, mother and toddler swing and cradle swing. The Whirly Bird roundabout on this site has been replaced with an inclusive one and the wet-pour surface has been freshly overlayed.

Improvement works to the playground located in Quinnell Drive have also been carried out, with the replacement of the chip bark surfacing there.

The play area upgrade project was funded by using the Council’s Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) money and will future proof the play areas for the next 10-15 years. The Council agreed a budget of over £40K for the overlaying of the wet pour surface at the sites and further agreed to invest between £100K to £120K for upgrades and improvements to play areas, including the replacement of some play equipment due to reaching the end of its serviceable life or because of corrosion over the years.

“The revamp of some on the maintained play areas is part of the Town Council’s continued commitment to improve local parks and open spaces,” said Town Clerk John Harrison. “Children’s play areas play a vital role in outdoor recreation, providing children with an area to relax, meet friends and play.”

“The Town Council’s play areas strike a balance between providing stimulating play and meeting current safety requirements, which is why we pride ourselves in maintaining our facilities to the highest standards and undertaking regular inspections, repairs and replacements where necessary, as well as upgrades such as those recently completed or near to completion.”

Cllr Mary Laxton, Chairman of the Assets Management Committee commented: “Our newly upgraded play areas provide a secure, engaging and inclusive environment for children and, featuring innovative play equipment coupled with accessible design elements, our first-rate playgrounds will promote a sense of community, physical activity and social interaction among our younger residents.”

“It’s crucial that there are inclusive play spaces readily available for children of all abilities to enjoy and it is hoped that the latest refurbishments and upgrades will encourage greater physical activity and provide countless hours of fun for them.”

Enquiries relating to this media release

Terry Hall, Communications Officer
Hailsham Town Council, Market Street, Hailsham, East Sussex, BN27 2AE
Telephone: 01323 841702 | Email: