Event: Children’s Lego Building (Free)
As part of the Hailsham Festival of Art & Culture’s Open Saturday, a fun session of Lego Imagination Building session for children aged 5 – 11…
As part of the Hailsham Festival of Art & Culture’s Open Saturday, a fun session of Lego Imagination Building session for children aged 5 – 11…
(Event information provided by What’s On In Hailsham). Members only, though pop in for joining details. Free entry. Arrive 7.45pm for 8pm start.
(Event information provided by What’s On In Hailsham). Everyone welcome. Homemade cards, jams and chutneys, eggs, cakes, books, tombola, raffle.
In partnership with St Wilfrid’s Hospice. Homemade cards – guess the name of the soft toy – eggs, homemamde jams and chutneys – cakes – books…
(Event details courtesy of What’s On In Hailsham). Cards, eggs, james, tombola, Avon sales, cakes, raffle draw (to be drawn on 19th) and more. Everyone welcome.
(Event information courtesy of What’s On In Hailsham). In aid of The Children’s Trust. With Marty “Woolfy” Adams and Bobby George. £3 / non-members £15. To…