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Bluebell Barn, Bates Green Farm, Arlington

Upcoming events:

Event: Autumn Adventure

Celebrate the turning season with an adventure in the autumn woods. Rummage through the woods as they turn from autumn to winter. Collect materials to make…

Event: Family Wreath Workshop

Collect natural materials from the winter woods to make beautiful Christmas wreaths around a camp fire. Brew a hot drink on the fire to keep your…

Event: Midwinter Magic

Celebrate the turning of the year with festive lantern making, games, a winter story, wassailing and food in the beautiful woodland. £9 per child 6+, £3…

Event: Fire Making & Wild Lunch

Learn to make your own fire then cook a wild lunch. Bring your favourite vegetable to add to the stew. £8 per child aged 6+, to…

Event: Chestnut Plates & Cakes

Make a chestnut wood plate to take home using hand tools. Then mix up some chestnut icing to decorate cup cakes. Collect chestnuts to roast on…

Event: Bats & Broomsticks

Collect woodland materials to make broomsticks, bats, and dreamcatchers and enjoy a hot drink in the autumn woods! £7 per child age 6+, to be accompanied…